Website PT HM Sampoerna Tbk
Up to date lowongan kerja
PT Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk atau lebih dikenal dengan PT HM Sampoerna Tbk adalah sebuah perusahaan rokok ternama yang telah memulai bisnisnya sejak 1913.
Sampoerna adalah anak perusahaan dari PT Philip Morris Indonesia (“PMID”) dan afiliasi dari Philip Morris International Inc. (“PMI”), yaitu perusahaan rokok internasional terkemuka dengan merek global Marlboro.
Kegiatan usaha Sampoerna meliputi manufaktur, perdagangan dan distribusi rokok termasuk juga mendistribusikan Marlboro merek rokok internasional terkemuka yang diproduksi oleh PMID.
Pada tahun 2014, HM Sampoerna meresmikan pabrik SKM (Sigaret Kretek Mesin) baru di Karawang yang difokuskan untuk tujuan ekspor.
Selain itu, Sampoerna juga bekerja sama dengan 38 Mitra Produksi Sigaret (“MPS”) yang pabriknya tersebar di pulau Jawa dan secara bersama-sama mempekerjakan sekitar 37.700 orang dalam memproduksi produk-produk Sigaret Kretek Tangan (“SKT”).
Saat ini PT HM Sampoerna Tbk sedang membuka lowongan pekerjaan untuk beberapa posisi yang nantinya akan ditempatkan di pabriknya yang berlokasi di Karawang, Berikut ini informasi selengkapnya.
Lowongan Kerja PT HM Sampoerna Tbk
1. Production Operator / Production Technician
Deskripsi pekerjaan :
- Ensure continuous and efficient operation of the assigned technology and carry out all quality and operational adjustments in order to obtain continuous manufacturing process and products, that meet quality standards and specifications.
- Monitor the production machine and equipment condition, adjust and fix mechanical problems in order to achieve and to improve targeted quality and efficiency.
- Ensure good functioning of the assigned equipment, identify and fix machine problems during production and record them in data base logbook.
- Analyze and resolve process technical problems/breakdown and quality issues performing root cause analysis using the trouble shooting list.
- Analyze machine performances and equipment conditions and suggest improvements applying problem solving and Lean methodology and tools (e.g. PDCA) and respecting Change Management procedure.
- Support for equipment/machine installation and modifications, when required.
- Support preventive maintenance and propose actions for planned maintenance to sustain and improve the machine functionality.
- Maintain the designated pieces of production equipment, machine and surrounding area including a mechanical workshop clean and tidy and sort out rejects in conformance with good house keeping procedures applying 5S rules in his daily activities.
Kualifikasi :
- Have at least 2 years of experience
- Active and creative with excellence analytical thinking
- Good interpersonal and communication skills
- Fast learner and able to work in minimum guidance and supervision
Open to be placed in Karawang
2. Electronic Technician
Deskripsi pekerjaan :
- Maintain and improve technical conditions of production equipment in order toachieve production and quality requirements, by respecting the health, safety, quality and production standards.
- Perform mechanical maintenance (preventive / planned / subassembly repairs) in compliance with relevant procedures, in order to ensure production equipment availability.
- Support Production in executing brand and format changes
- Anticipate problems that arise, during production process and take appropriate measures to ensure the continuity of the production process and improve the efficiency of equipment.
- Ensure maintenance instruments/tools in good conditions and usage. Standardize and align machine settings with the kits and the spare parts defined in order to reduce their consumption
Using SAP Materials Management module to identify spare part availability in the store.
Kualifikasi :
- Have at least 2 years of experience
- Fluent in English and Bahasa Indonesia
- Active and creative with excellence analytical thinking
- Good interpersonal and communication skills
- Fast learner and able to work in minimum guidance and supervision
Open to be placed in Karawang
3. Mechanical Technician
Deskripsi pekerjaan :
- Maintain and improve technical conditions of production equipment in order to achieve production and quality requirements, by respecting the health, safety, quality and production standards.
- Perform mechanical maintenance (preventive / planned / subassembly repairs) in compliance with relevant procedures, in order to ensure production equipment availability.
- Participate in installation and production equipment modification with the respect of change management procedure, in order to ensure equipment availability on time.
- Anticipate/Identify problems that arise, during production process and take appropriate measures to ensure the continuity of the production process and improve the efficiency of equipment.
Kualifikasi :
- Have at least 2 years of experience in Engineering or Manufacturing or Product/Process Development with solid knowledge of cigarette manufacturing is much preferred
Fluent in English and Bahasa Indonesia - Active and creative with excellence analytical thinking
- Experience with Secondary Processing machines in Cigarette industries would be an advantage (specifically for GD, Hauni, ITM technology)
- Good interpersonal and communication skills
- Fast learner and able to work in minimum guidance and supervision
Open to be placed in Karawang
Cara Pendaftaran
Apabila kamu sudah memenuhi kualifikasi diatas dan berminat bekerja di PT HM Sampoerna Tbk, silahkan apply lamaran kamu melalui link alamat web disnakertrans karawang dibawah ini :
Website Disnakertrans Karawang
Hanya pelamar yang terpilih dan sesuai kualifikasi yang akan dipanggil mengikuti seleksi berikutnya. Lowongan kerja terbuka sampai kuota terpenuhi.
+ Follow akun Instagram / telegram kami.
- Telegram : t.me/Pejuang_Karyawan
- Instagram : @Pejuangkaryawan
Ikuti sosial media kami melalui akun Instagram / telegram Untuk update lowongan kerja setiap harinya
Alamat PT HM Sampoerna Tbk Karawang
Kawasan Industri KIIC, Jl. Permata Dua Lot B3, BB4B, BB7, BB8A
Kec. Telukjambe Timur, Kab. Karawang
Informasi :
1). Pejuangkaryawan.com selalu memberikan informasi lowongan kerja yang akurat dan valid, dan jangan lupa untuk membagikan informasi lowongan ke orang lain yang membutuhkan dengan mencantumkan Pejuangkaryawan.com sebagai preferensi pencari lowongan kerja.
2). Lowongan kerja ini tidak dipungut biaya apapun (GRATIS / FREE).
3). Lamaran yang tidak memenuhi kualifikasi di atas tidak akan diproses, hanya kandidat terbaik yang akan dipanggil untuk mengikuti seleksi tahap selanjutnya.
4). Baca dengan teliti dan seksama agar tidak terjadi kesalahan saat melamar pekerjaan.
To apply for this job please visit infoloker.karawangkab.go.id.